Our Partners

Salamanda Food Safety Managers

Food Safety and Compliance Consultants specialising in food auditing, food safety and quality training, product labelling and HACCP Program development and management.

WEB:  www.salamandafood.com.au
EMAIL:  contact@salamandafood.com.au

Food Business Templates

The Number 1 provider of business and compliance templates available for the food industry. All templates are available for immediate download and created by designers from around the world. Food Business Templates have been designed to help you compliance with your certification requirements and systemise your business.

WEB:  http://www.foodbusinesstemplates.com/
EMAIL:  contact@foodbusinesstemplates.com

myfood Business

myfood Business provides access to good, clear and current information to help the food industry successfully operate in todays local and global marketplace.  If you are in the food game, this website is your ‘road-map’ to accessing all you need to know about compliance, operating and working in the food industry.

WEB:  http://www.myfoodbusiness.com.au/
EMAIL:  contact@myfoodbusiness.com.au

Food Business Books

From food safety to business start-up and human resources, Food Business Books is an online bookstore which provides hundreds of books and reference materials specifically for the food industry.

WEB:  www.foodbusinessbooks.com
EMAIL:  contact@foodbusinessbooks.com